Saturday, June 14, 2008

Self-Image = Self-Worth...

"Image is everything"...

Is that really the truth? If it is, then some people don't have a thing...

I'm noticing that imagery is the big thing these days. You have males aspiring to look like Lil' Wayne (who, to me, is the epitome of unattractive) and woman aspiring to be pencil-thin to try to grace the covers of those has-been magazines. What is really going on?

I cannot fathom why anyone would want to dress a certain way to attempt to be appealing, much less one who wears things that others have picked out for them. However, clearly if you look good, others will notice and take heed, and actually deem you worth some company versus a good joke.

So, I say all that say that there should be some sense of guidelines as to what to wear in public to avoid getting cussed out or talked about, but to have people actually laughing with you and not AT you...

Ladies first:

Wear something that fits...if you know you are a big girl, you should not be prancing around in anything that people can count your rolls in your stomach. It's okay to ear that bigger shirt. Some men will actually find it a lot more appealing if you actually wear something that embraces your big girl flair, not overexposing it. Be classy with it and leave that fishnet shirt on the rack. Conversely, if you are a skinny girl, you can't ear anything tight either. Grab you something that will cover your self, but not a kimono or a mu-mu. A nice sundress will do the trick and actually give you the chance to exude sexiness versus skinniness.

Ladies, care about your hair. It is cool to want to be natural, but make sure you control it. There shouldn't be ANY living or formerly living insect or animal in your hair, ever. Wash it routinely to avoid any type of debris. There is nothing wrong with a wig or weave; however, make sure it fits you and suits you. If you have brown hair, you should NOT be walking around with a black ponytail. That's not classy at all. Short haircuts need special and extra attention. If your hair is not naturally glow-in-the-dark, we need not let you put bright pink streaks inside of it. And trust me, everyone can NOT wear those one-sided asymmetrical hairstyles. It's NOT for everyone.

Men, you are NOT off the hook...

Fellas, it's okay to try to look your best before walking out the door. Mainstream American women will not appreciate you walking around in a dingy tank top and your underwear outside of your pants/jeans. One thing gets me of late is the affinity for tank tops/wifebeaters. Dudes, those ARE NOT for everyone!! If you are 6'2" and 100lbs, you NEED NOT be in public with a wifebeater on. It does not make you look any more buff than a simple t-shirt just makes you look, well, skinny. And if your shirt size is naturally a small or medium, wear that instead of a 3x. A t-shirt or graphic tee should not be swallowing you whole. For my big dudes, you can't wear a wifebeater either; it makes you look like a wifebeater. It's okay to throw on a t-shirt that you can breathe in, not one that swallows you either. It is just going to make you look a lot bigger if you have on a 5x shirt when you only need a 3x.

Dudes, pull your pants up. Let's not be stereotyped just because we want to wear our pants low (If you MUST wear your pants low, at least wear clean underwear underneath). You don't have to put on jeans that look like skinny jeans, but at least have them on your waist with a belt on. That's so much more attractive to mainstream folks than showing off your Joe Boxers. And if I see one more a**crack, I promise I am either going to pour some hot water down it or kick it...

We just have to be realistic with the way we look in public. It's okay to wear whatever you want to wear in the comfort of your own home, but in public, even your own friends won't be very honest with you. It's up to you to look your best...

I learned this motto back in high school when I was in the modeling troupe, "Moving With A Purpose". Our advisor/mentor would always say "if you look better, you'll feel better, and you'll do better too..."


I'm out. Deuces, skitches!!!

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